BPSC LDC Mock Test 2021 will help the candidates prepare for the BPSC Exam 2021. The BPSC LDC test series have not only been crafted by the best and experienced faculty but also comes with free mock tests candidates can appear for. BPSC LDC Mock Tests have been designed carefully keeping the candidates' needs in mind for their preparation of the exams. The tests will help the candidates prepare in a hassle-free preparation and strategized manner. The question sets have been designed in such a way that the candidates will come to know about the difficulty level of the paper and the trend of questions that they can expect. Candidates can practice the free BPSC LDC Mock Test to get a clear picture of the examination. Start your preparation with the BPSC LDC Mock Test today!
Check BPSC LDC Eligibility Criteria here!
BPSC LDC Exam Pattern 2021
It is very important for the candidates to go through the syllabus in detail before starting the exam preparation. The BPSC LDC Exam Pattern 2021 has been mentioned below for the convenience of the candidates in the preparation.
The BPSC LDC Exam 2021 will be held in three stages i.e. Prelim Exam, Mains exam and Computer Typing Test.
Preliminary Exam
Number of questions
Total marks
General Studies
General Science and Mathematics
Comprehension/ Logic/ Reasoning/ Mental Ability
*There has been no announcement of the Mains Exam pattern
- The exam is an Objective type exam
- For every correct attempt, 4 marks will be allocated and for every incorrect attempt 1 mark will be deducted
- The preliminary paper will be an open book test and candidates will be allowed to carry the particular subjects books
- Preliminary exam will be available in both Hindi and English.
Importance of BPSC LDC Mock Test
The importance of the BPSC LDC Mock Tests have increased by folds since years and the competition is getting pretty tough. A strong preparation of all the sections is needed in order to ace the examination. BPSC LDC Mock Test has the best set of tests to help candidates prepare for the sections of the exam which is conducted every year.
- The Mock Test are designed according to the latest BPSC LDC syllabus and the exam pattern
- After completing a topic candidates can solve a test paper of that particular topic to know how well they have understood
- Well-researched and analyzed questions from all the topics in the syllabus.
- BPSC LDC Mock Test is highly recommended to the candidates who have faced challenges to attempt the question under this section, they can attempt this test as many times as possible to perfect the topic.
- There will be paper analysis provided to the candidates after they have appeared for the test which they can use to evaluate their knowledge in the subject to make sure they improve.
- The questions have been designed exactly like the actual question papers so that the candidates get an exact interpretation of the question paper and candidates have high possibilities of qualifying the exams.
Check BPSC LDC Cut Off Marks here!
Features of BPSC LDC Mock Test 2021
- The test series consists of questions that have high probability to be asked in the Bihar Public Service Commission Exam.
- The tests have sections General Studies, General Science and Mathematics and Comprehension/ Logic/ Reasoning/ Mental Ability.
- Candidates can practice the question sets through which they can test their knowledge on the specific sections
- There are 71 total mock tests from which the candidates can practice.
- All the tests in the test series have been specially designed by the subject experts according to the latest paper pattern and trends.
- The test is available in English and Hindi both.
- Candidates will be receiving a personalized paper analysis based on their performance which will be shared through mail, they can use this as their benefit to know about their strengths and weaknesses.
- Another feature of the BPSC LDC Test Series is that it has AIR rank prediction available through which candidates can know their stand in the competition.
Know about BPSC LDC Salary and Job Profile here!
Tips and strategies for BPSC LDC Exam Preparation
Candidates who are appearing for the BPSC LDC Exam should start preparing. Going through the detailed BPSC LDC Syllabus and Exam Pattern once before starting with the preparation is advised to the candidates. Here are expert tips for preparation:-
- It is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals and topics in the syllabus, and before the exam at least one revision of the whole syllabus is necessary. Candidates must have a firm grip over the topics and have strong conceptual knowledge of the subject for the exam
- Once the candidates know about the type of questions that can be asked, they can prepare accordingly and will be able to work on their speed and accuracy.
- Effective use of each and every moment the candidate has in their hands is necessary. Practising the question sets will help the candidates prepare and build time management.
- Solving the previous years papers will help to improve the candidate's analytical skills as it requires the impression of the context of the topics.
We hope that this article on the BPSC LDC Test Series has been proved helpful for the candidates who wish to appear for the examination for the Lower division clerks post. The BPSC LDC Test Series 2021 have been designed for the convenience of the candidates looking after the previous years trends and type of questions being asked. Download the Testbook application today and avail the free BPSC LDC Mock Test for practice!