UPSC ESE Prelims Examination is conducted by the UPSC Board for various Engineering posts across the country. There are three categories for the ESE Posts which are Mechanical, Civil, and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering posts. In total there are 247 vacancies. Written Examination is one of the major steps in the process of selection for the UPSC ESE posts and Testbook helps the aspiring candidates to prepare accurately and confidently with UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test Series comprising the following details:
Features of the Testbook UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test Mock Test
54 Total Test / 1 Free Test
- 16 Subject Test
- 15 Chapter Test
- 5 Sectional Test
- 2 Full Test
- 15 Previous Year Paper
- There are a total of 54 Tests that are available including 2 Full Tests, 16 Subject Tests, 15 Chapter Tests, and 15 Previous Year Paper.
- All the tests included in the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test follow the pattern of the final exam for the UPSC ESE Prelimspost.
- All the questions included in the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test are relevant and important for the exam.
- UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test has a rank prediction feature in its Online Test Series which will provide the candidates with an All India Rank.
- On submission of each UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test Chapter Test/Section Test/ Subject Test/ Questions Test, a performance summary will also be shared with the candidates.
- Candidates can also find solutions and detailed explanations at the end of each UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test test.
In how many Languages will the UPSC ESE Prelims Test Series be?
- The online UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test is available in only English Language.
- This will help the students in both languages to have a practice of UPSC ESE PrelimsExamination questions based on practical teaching and theoretical knowledge.
Why Opt for the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test?
- The candidates will get the best and most reliable practice material which will include the most expected and important questions.
- The UPSC ESE Prelims Test Series will also help you revise the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test syllabus of all the subjects.
- The UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test will enhance the problem-solving efficiency and speed of the aspirants.
- Attempting the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test will get you exam-ready.
We hope you found this article on the UPSC ESE Prelims Mock Test informative and productive. You can also download our Testbook App and start preparing for other states/ Central competitive examinations based on different subjects. This App will provide you with Test Series, Mock tests, PDFs, Valuable previous year’s question papers of UPSC ESE PrelimsExamination, and other exams as well.