Engineering Mechanics MCQ Quiz - Objective Question with Answer for Engineering Mechanics - Download Free PDF

Last updated on Feb 15, 2023

Latest Engineering Mechanics MCQ Objective Questions

Engineering Mechanics Question 1:

The lengths of members BC and CE in the frame shown in the figure are equal. All the members are rigid and lightweight, and the friction at the joints is negligible. Two forces of magnitude Q > 0 are applied as shown, each at the mid-length of the respective member on which it acts.

F1 Shraddha Ateeb 01.03.2022 D27

Which one or more of the following members do not carry any load (force)?

  1. AB
  2. CD
  3. EF
  4. GH

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option :

Engineering Mechanics Question 1 Detailed Solution


For member GH,

As point G can move in a slot, hence force provided by member BE will be perpendicular to the member.

Referring to FBD,

F1 Savita Engineering 31-1-23 D1

ΣMH = 0 

⇒ RG = 0

⇒ Force in member GH is zero.

As member AB, CD, and EF are link members, hence they can carry only axial forces.

Referring to FBD,

F1 Savita Engineering 31-1-23 D2

ΣFx = 0

⇒ FAB = Q

ΣME = 0

⇒ - Q × l/2 + FCD × l - Q × l/2 + FAB × l = 0

Putting the value of FAB = 0.

FCD = 0

ΣFy = 0

⇒ FEF = Q

Hence member CD and GH carry zero force.

Engineering Mechanics Question 2:

The forces which meet at one point, but their lines of action do NOT lie on the same plane are known as:

  1. Coplanar non - concurrent forces
  2. Coplanar concurrent forces
  3. Non - coplanar concurrent forces
  4. Non - coplanar non concurrent forces

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Non - coplanar concurrent forces

Engineering Mechanics Question 2 Detailed Solution


When two or more forces act on a body, they are called to form a system of forces.

Coplanar forces: 

  • The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar forces.

Colinear forces: 

  • The forces, whose lines of action lie on the same line, are known as colinear forces.

Concurrent forces: 

  • The forces, which meet at one point, are known as concurrent forces. The concurrent forces may or may not be colinear.

Coplanar concurrent forces:

  • The forces, which meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar concurrent forces.

Coplanar non-concurrent forces:

  • The forces, which do not meet at one point, but their lines of action lie on the same plane, are known as coplanar non-concurrent forces.

Non-coplanar concurrent forces: 

  • The forces, which meet at one point, but their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are known as non-coplanar concurrent forces.
  • A rigid body is subjected to a non-coplanar concurrent force system, \(\rm \sum F_x=\sum F_y=\sum F_z=0\)

Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces: 

  • The forces, which do not meet at one point and their lines of action do not lie on the same plane, are called non-coplanar non-concurrent forces.

rrb je1


Engineering Mechanics Question 3:

The Lami’s theorem is applicable to which of the following forces?

  1. Two coplanar forces
  2. Two concurrent coplanar forces
  3. Three concurrent forces
  4. Three concurrent coplanar forces

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Three concurrent coplanar forces

Engineering Mechanics Question 3 Detailed Solution


Lami's theorem is an equation relating the magnitudes of three coplanar, concurrent and non-collinear forces, which keeps an object in static equilibrium, with the angles directly opposite to the corresponding forces.

According to the theorem:


\(\frac{A}{{\sin \alpha }} = \frac{B}{{\sin\beta }} = \frac{C}{{\sin\gamma }}\)

Engineering Mechanics Question 4:

What is the section modulus of circular section of diameter ‘d’?

  1. \({{πd^3} \over 32}\)
  2. 0.52 d3
  3. \({ \sqrt{2a^3} \over 12}\)
  4. 0.058 d3

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : \({{πd^3} \over 32}\)

Engineering Mechanics Question 4 Detailed Solution


The moment carrying capacity (M) of any beam is given by:

M = σZ

where σ = bending stress and Z = section modulus.

Section Modulus is given by:


where I = MOI of cross-section about NA and y = distance of extreme fiber from NA.

MOI for a solid circular is given by:


MOI for a hollow circular is given by:




ymax = D/2 for both solid and hollow shaft.


∴ \(Z_{hollow}=\frac{I_{hc}}{y_{max}}\Rightarrow\frac{\frac{\pi({D^4\;-\;{d^4)}}}{64}}{\frac{D}{2}}=\frac{\pi}{32}\times\frac{(D^4\;-\;{d^4})}{D}\)

Engineering Mechanics Question 5:

Two like parallel forces of 40 N and 80 N act at the end of a rod of 240 mm long. Find the magnitude of the resultant force and the point where it acts from left end of rod.

  1. 150 N, 320 mm
  2. 150 N, 480 mm
  3. 120 N, 160 mm
  4. 120 N, 360 mm

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : 120 N, 160 mm

Engineering Mechanics Question 5 Detailed Solution


Let the length of the rod be 'L' and 'x' be the distance between the resultant force and smaller force, therefore the distance between the larger force and resultant will be (L - x)

According to the principle of moments:

"The algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces about any point is equal to the moment of their resultant force about the same point.”



F= 40 N, F2 = 80 N, L = 240 mm.

Since the two like parallel forces are acting on the road, so the resultant force will be the algebraic sum of the magnitude of the two forces.

Hence, the resultant force FR is given by

FR = F1 + F2 = 40 N + 80 N = 120 N

When we calculate the moment about the point of the resultant force, then the moment produced by two forces will be equal and opposite.

F1× x = F2 × (L - x)

40 × x = 80 × (240 - x)

40x = 19200 - 80x

120x = 9600

x = 160 mm.

∴ the distance between the smaller force and the resultant is 160 mm.

Top Engineering Mechanics MCQ Objective Questions

During inelastic collision of two particles, which one of the following is conserved ?

  1. total linear momentum only
  2. total kinetic energy only
  3. both linear momentum and kinetic energy
  4. neither linear momentum nor kinetic energy

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : total linear momentum only

Engineering Mechanics Question 6 Detailed Solution

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  • Momentum is conserved in all collisions.
  • In elastic collision, kinetic energy is also conserved.
  • In inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved. In perfectly inelastic collision, objects stick together after collision.

Perfectly elastic collision:

If law of conservation of momentum and that of kinetic energy hold good during the collision.

Inelastic collision:

If law of conservation of momentum holds good during collision while that of kinetic energy is not.

Coefficient of restitution (e)

\(e = \frac{{Relative\;velocity\;after\;collision}}{{Relative\;velocity\;before\;collision}} = \frac{{{v_2} - {v_1}}}{{{u_1} - {u_2}}}\)

  • For perfectly elastic collision, e = 1
  • For inelastic collision, e < 1
  • For perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0

A particle starts from rest and moves in a straight line whose equation of motion is given by S = 2t3 - t2 - 1. The acceleration of the particle after one second will be-

  1. 4 m/s2
  2. 6 m/s2
  3. 8 m/s2
  4. 10 m/s2

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : 10 m/s2

Engineering Mechanics Question 7 Detailed Solution

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If s = f(t)

Then, First derivative with respect to time represents the velocity


Acceleration is given by

\(a=\left( \frac{{{d}^{2}}S}{d{{t}^{2}}} \right)\)

Where s is the displacement



s = 2t3 – t2 - 1 and t = 1 sec.



\({{\left( \frac{{{d}^{2}}s}{d{{t}^{2}}} \right)}_{t=1s}}=12-2=10 \;m/s^2\)

The CG of a semicircular plate of 66 cm diameter, from its base, is


  1. 8/33 cm
  2. 1/14 cm
  3. 14 cm
  4. 63/8 cm

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : 14 cm

Engineering Mechanics Question 8 Detailed Solution

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The CG of a semicircular plate of  r radius, from its base, is

\(\bar y = {4r\over 3 \pi}\)

Electrician 34 18 8



r = 33 cm

\(\bar y = {4r\over 3 \pi}={4\times 33\over3\times{22\over 7}}\)

y̅ = 14 cm

∴ the C.G. of a semicircular plate of 66 cm diameter, from its base, is 14 cm.

Additional Information

C.G. of the various plain lamina are shown below in the table. Here x̅  & y̅  represent the distance of C.G. from x and y-axis respectively.

Circle F1 Krupalu 25.11.20 Pallavi D6.1
Semicircle Electrician 34 18 8
Triangle Electrician 34 18 6
Cone Electrician 34 18 5
Rectangle Electrician 34 18 7
Quarter Circle Electrician 34 18 9
Solid hemisphere RRB JE ME 60 14Q EMech1 HIndi Diag(Madhu) 11

A block weighing 981 N is resting on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between the block and the horizontal surface is μ = 0.2. A vertical cable attached to the block provides partial support as shown. A man can pull horizontally with a force of 100 N. What will be the tension, T (in N) in the cable if the man is just able to move the block to the right?

GATE ME 2009 Images-Q10

  1. 176.2
  2. 196.0
  3. 481.0
  4. 981.0

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : 481.0

Engineering Mechanics Question 9 Detailed Solution

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GATE ME 2009 Images-Q10.1

Number of vertical forces:

∑Fy = T + RN - W = 0 

Static friction force is given as,

Fs = μRN 



W = 981 N, μ = 0.2, Fs = 100 N

Normal reaction:

\(\Rightarrow {R_N} = \frac{{100}}{{0.2}} = 500~N\)

Tension T

⇒ T = 981 - 500 = 481 N

A pin jointed uniform rigid rod of weight W and Length L is supported horizontally by an external force F as shown in the figure below. The force F is suddenly removed. At the instant of force removal, the magnitude of vertical reaction developed at the support is

ME GATE 2013 Images Q33

  1. zero
  2. W/4
  3. W/2
  4. W

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : W/4

Engineering Mechanics Question 10 Detailed Solution

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ME GATE 2013 Images Q33a

When the Force F is suddenly removed, then due to W, the rod is in rotating condition with angular acceleration \(\alpha\)

Thus the equation of motion:

\(\Sigma M=I_o\alpha;\;\;W \times \frac{L}{2} = I\alpha\)

\(As, I = \frac{mL^2}{3}= \frac{1}{3}\times\frac{W}{g}\times{L^2}\)

\(\therefore W \times \frac{L}{2} =\frac{WL^2}{3g}\times\alpha\)

\(\Rightarrow \alpha = \frac{{3g}}{{2L}}\)

\(\therefore Linear\;acceleration\;at\;centre = \alpha \times \frac{L}{2} = \frac{{3g}}{{2L}}\times \frac{L}{2}=\frac{{3g}}{4}\)

Also, the centre of the rod accelerates with linear acceleration a;

\(W-R=F\Rightarrow mg-R=ma\\R=mg-ma=mg-\frac{3}{4}mg=\frac{1}{4}mg=\frac{W}{4}\)   

A rubber ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity u from the top of a building. It strikes the ground with a velocity 3u. The time taken by the ball to reach the ground is given by:

  1. 4u/g
  2. 3u/g
  3. 2u/g
  4. u/g

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : 4u/g

Engineering Mechanics Question 11 Detailed Solution

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Equation of motion:

  • The mathematical equations used to find the final velocity, displacements, time, etc of a moving object without considering the force acting on it are called equations of motion.
  • These equations are only valid when the acceleration of the body is constant and they move in a straight line.

There are three equations of motion:

v = u + at

v2 = u2 + 2as

\(s =ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2\)

where, v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, s = distance travelled by the body under motion, a = acceleration of body under motion, and t = time taken by the body under motion.




When the ball will reach the highest point then the final velocity will be zero.

Initial velocity = u m/sec, final velocity = 0 m/sec, acceleration = -g m/sec2

applying 1st equation of motion

v = u + at

0 = u - gt1



Initial velocity will be zero as the ball is at the highest point.

applying 1st equation of motion

v = u + at

3u = 0 + gt2


Therefore total time is:

t = t1 + t2


A thin rod of length L and mass M will have what moment of inertia about an axis passing through one of its edge and perpendicular to the rod?

  1. ML2/12
  2. ML2/6
  3. ML2/3
  4. ML2/9

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : ML2/3

Engineering Mechanics Question 12 Detailed Solution

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  • Parallel axis theorem: Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis I is equal to the sum of moment of inertia of the body about an axis parallel to given axis and passing through centre of mass of the body Io and Ma2, where ‘M’ is the mass of the body and ‘a’ is the perpendicular distance between the two axes.

⇒ I = Io + Ma2


F1 S.S Shashi 30.07.2019 D3

  • For a uniform rod with negligible thickness, the moment of inertia about its centre of mass is:

\({I_{cm}} = \frac{1}{{12}}M{L^2}\)

Where M = mass of the rod and L = length of the rod

∴ The moment of inertia about the end of the rod is

\(\Rightarrow {I_{end}} = {I_{cm}} + M{d^2} \)

\(\Rightarrow I_{end}= \frac{1}{{12}}M{L^2} + M{\left( {\frac{L}{2}} \right)^2} = \frac{1}{3}M{L^2}\)

A force F is given by F = at + bt2 where t is time, what are the dimension of a and b.

  1. MLT1, MLT0
  2. MLT3, ML2T4
  3. MLT-4, MLT-4
  4. MLT-3, MLT-4

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : MLT-3, MLT-4

Engineering Mechanics Question 13 Detailed Solution

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Principle of homogeneity of dimensions:

  • According to this principle, a physical equation will be dimensionally correct if the dimensions of all the terms occurring on both sides of the equation are the same.
  • This principle is based on the fact that only the physical quantities of the same kind can be added, subtracted, or compared.
  • Thus, velocity can be added to velocity but not to force.



Given - F = at + bt2

From the principle of dimensional homogeneity, the left-hand side of the equation dimensionally equal to the right-hand side of the equation.

The dimension formula of force (F) = [MLT-2]

∴ [MLT-2] = [a] [T]

\(⇒ \left[ a \right] = \frac{{\left[ {ML{T^{ - 2}}} \right]}}{{\left[ T \right]}} = \left[ {ML{T^{ - 3}}} \right]\)

For second term,

⇒ [MLT-2] = [b] [T2]

\(\Rightarrow \left[ b \right] = \frac{{\left[ {ML{T^{ - 2}}} \right]}}{{\left[ {{T^2}} \right]}} = \left[ {ML{T^{ - 4}}} \right]\)

 A block of mass 5 kg slides down from rest along a frictionless inclined plane that makes an angle of 30° with horizontal. What will be the speed of the block after it covers a distance of 3.6 m along the plane? [g = 10 m/s2]

  1. 5 m/s
  2. 6 m/s
  3. 7 m/s
  4. 8 m/s

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : 6 m/s

Engineering Mechanics Question 14 Detailed Solution

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The equation of motions are 

v = u + at 

v2 = u2 + 2as                

\(s = ut + \frac{1}{2}a{t^2}\)



Mass of the block, m = 5 kg, Inclination angle of the plane, θ = 30°, Initial velocity of the block, u = 0 m/s, Distance travelled by the block, s = 3.6 m


F1 Ashik Madhu 14.08.20 D17

Force acting on the block along with the inclination of plane =  \(mg\sin 30^\circ = 5 \times 10 \times \frac{1}{2}\Rightarrow 25\;N\)

Acceleration of the block along the inclined plane, a = \(g\sin 30^\circ = 5~m/{s^2}\) 

Applying equation of motion along the inclined plane.

v2 = u2 + 2as

v= 0 + 2 × 5 × 3.6

∴ v = 6 m/s.

A thin disc and a thin ring, both have mass M and radius R. Both rotate about axes through their centre of mass and are perpendicular to their surfaces at the same angular velocity. Which of the following is true?

  1. The ring has higher kinetic energy
  2. The disc has higher kinetic energy
  3. The ring and the disc have the same kinetic energy
  4. Kinetic energies of both the bodies are zero since they are not in linear motion

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : The ring has higher kinetic energy

Engineering Mechanics Question 15 Detailed Solution

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Moment of inertia:

  • The moment of inertia of a rigid body about a fixed axis is defined as the sum of the product of the masses of the particles constituting the body and the square of their respective distances from the axis of the rotation.
  • The moment of inertia of a particle  is

⇒ I = mr2

Where r = the perpendicular distance of the particle from the rotational axis.

  • Moment of inertia of a body made up of a number of particles (discrete distribution)

⇒ I = m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32 + m4r42 + -------

Rotational kinetic energy: 

  • The energy, which a body has by virtue of its rotational motion, is called rotational kinetic energy.
  • A body rotating about a fixed axis possesses kinetic energy because its constituent particles are in motion, even though the body as a whole remains in place.
  • Mathematically rotational kinetic energy can be written as -

⇒ KE \( = \frac{1}{2}I{\omega ^2}\)

Where I = moment of inertia and ω = angular velocity.


  • The moment of inertia of the ring about an axis passing through the center and perpendicular to its plane is given by

⇒ Iring = MR2

  • Moment of inertia of the disc about an axis passing through center and perpendicular to its plane is given by -

\(⇒ {I_{disc}} = \frac{1}{2}M{R^2}\)

  • As we know that mathematically rotational kinetic energy can be written as

\(⇒ KE = \frac{1}{2}I{\omega ^2}\)

  • According to the question, the angular velocity of a thin disc and a thin ring is the same. Therefore, the kinetic energy depends on the moment of inertia.
  • Therefore, a body having more moments of inertia will have more kinetic energy and vice - versa.
  • So, from the equation, it is clear that,

⇒ Iring > Idisc

∴ Kring > Kdisc

  • The ring has higher kinetic energy.



Axis of Rotation

Moment of inertia

Uniform circular ring of radius R

perpendicular to its plane and through the center


Uniform circular ring of radius R



Uniform circular disc of radius R perpendicular to its plane and through the center \(\frac{MR^2}{2}\)
Uniform circular disc of radius R diameter \(\frac{MR^2}{4}\)
A hollow cylinder of radius R Axis of cylinder MR2